"and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mercies Renewed and a Vanilla Americano

First week back to work after a two week break. Rough. And let me tell you, I had a fantastic attitude about it.

It went a little like this--and don't lie, I know you can relate. These are the moments in life I swear I fail my sanctification test for the day. You'd think I'd learn my lesson at some point. I drug myself out of bed. Scratch that, I hit snooze five times and then drug myself out of bed, (and I'm not a morning person in the first place) so it really was rough. I managed something out of my mouth that resembled "morning," poured my coffee, eyeballs half open--it's a wonder it made it into the cup. Barely made it to the shower, not smiling, not happy to be up. Convinced I was going to rip anyone's head off if they said anything to me before I downed at least one cup of coffee, determined I was going to be exhausted all day long until I hit the sack again that night. Ever wake up excited to go back to sleep that night? That's never a good sign. Anyway, you get the idea, I had a lovely attitude (not). I said a short cryptic prayer on my way to work that the Lord would "help my attitude." Sometimes I forget this, but God hears even those cryptic prayers--be careful what you pray for.

Suffice to say, He answered my prayer. In His loving way (undeserving though I was), He reminded me of how blessed I am, exhausted or not. Remember that journey I talked about in my first post? How the beauty is most often found in the journey, not necessarily in the end? Today was a perfect example. Despite my determination to be in a bad mood, He made His presence known. He reminded me of the beauty of this life.

First of all, let this not go unstated, Starbucks just so happens to be one of those blessings, I don't care what anyone says.

Thank you Vanilla Americano with room for cream. (When I'm in desperate need of caffeine, that's my drink of choice.)

Aside from my Starbucks, a gentle flood of words, thoughts, and interactions reshaped my attitude for the day. God is good. He meets you right where you are at, as ridiculous as that place might be. He is still God. And I'm still awestruck by His faithfulness.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-24
(How can you be in a bad mood being reminded of a promise as incredible as that? Hey, if He cares enough to promise me new mercies every single morning, especially after the morning attitude I had, that's a firm reminder of His constant faithfulness.)

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12
(Once again, following that instruction, oh boy, there is most certainly no room for my bad attitude. Rejoice in the hope before me, both in this life as well as Heaven that awaits. That brings so much joy and excitement. It leaves the cares of this moment and this life as trivial and unimportant. Be patient in tribulation--I would say my "rough" morning was my tribulation, but good grief, that isn't even close. I just needed an attitude adjustment on that one. (Regardless, it's a good reminder for when real tribulation strikes, but honestly, there are times when even daily life can feel like tribulation.) Constant in prayer. Ha, definitely no room for a bad attitude when talking to the Creator of the Universe.

"All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship." A line from one of my favorite Hillsong worship songs. That's right. ALL my life, EVERY season. Even the seasons that aren't as great as others.

"In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my light my strength my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my All in All." Another favorite song. When verses like these and songs like this are shaping your thoughts...strangely, EVERYTHING else grows dim in their light.

He will reshape your attitude by reshaping the way you think.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Because his love is perfect. My future is secure. His grace is sufficient. His plans for my life are solidified. I have nothing to worry about. And there is most certainly no room for a bad mood.

In addition, that day he blessed me with a wonderful lunch out with a coworker and friend, a productive work day, a gorgeous sunset on the way home, and a blast of an evening home with my siblings (whom I miss very much when they are away). He brought me a long way from grumpy pants this morning (which just seems so silly in comparison to the glory of the Lord).

Don't forget to reflect on the beauty of the journey, even when it's not obvious. It can always be found disguised in anything from a simple cup of coffee, a cherished relationship, a productive day, a stranger's smile, witnessing an artwork masterpiece in the sky, or a first hand account of Christ meeting you right where you are. The beauty is always there. He is always faithful.

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